Christmas Tag!!!


img_8766-2Merry Christmas, Fellow friends!! I have been taged by Miri! well not really, but she said anyone could do it so I did. 

Here are the rules! 

– thank the person that nominated you with a link to their blog
– add the picture in your blog (the red one above)
– copy these rules into your post
– add a link to the original post (Small Dolls, big hearts.)
– answer the ten questions (you can add extra Christmas-related questions if you want)
– tag at least three other bloggers with links to their blogs
– have fun!

-What is your favorite thing about Christmas??

Are Christmas party!!

-What is your favorite Christmas memory??

The time my sister got her first horse

-Do you have any Christmas traditions?? 

Yes! we put all of are names in a cup, then we shake it up, then every one gets a name, and who ever you got you have to get a present for them….. I got my brother this year…

-What is your Christmas wish??

UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM……………….  oh, that my horse would get better……

-What is your favorite Christmas dish??

All of it!!!

– What is your favorite Christmas decoration??

Are Christmas tree!

-Whats your favorite Christmas song?

White Christmas

-Where do you usually celebrate Christmas?

At my Mimi’s house

-What does the Christmas spirit mean to you?

Joy, Peace, Love, Kindness, Hope, etc. 

-Out of anyone in the world would you want to spend Christmas with?

My BIG Family…


I Tag………


AND Loren, From Lets Be Lost!



Xyra Silverleaf


Don’t forget about my Christmas wish list that I made!












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