Which Pet Should I Get???

Hello Fellow Doll Fans!!!!! I have decided to get a doll pet! But…. What pet should I get. I know, I know sounds a lot like the book,That’s why I made it the featured image. So, here are my choices,

Tenney's Golden Retriever

Tenney’s Dog

American Girl Z's Dog

Z’s Dog

French bull dog

Nanea's Dog, Mele

Nanea’s Dog

Kit’s Dog, Grace

Kit’s Dog

Maryellen's Dog, Scooter

Maryellen’s Dog

So, What do you think? I really like the french bull dog…. But I also like Nanea’s dog, Mele…… So….. I need your help!!!

You can vote in the comments!



P.S I am working on a new sign off. And I think we can all agree that the one I have is boring.


17 thoughts on “Which Pet Should I Get???

  1. Madison says:

    Hmmmm…I have popcorn(from when he was just a Truly me pet and not Z)and he’s adorable. Even though I love Grace, Scooter, and Mele, I would have to say the French Bulldog. If I was to get another pet, I would get him:)

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